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Leslie Flint Presents Stacy Szymaszek

"I met Leslie Flint for the first time in London England in 1978; we both went to an event, The Physic Dinner and Dance, which took place for many years and was an occasion for mediums and healers meet to relax and learn about each other."

Join the party on Thursday, November 20th when Leslie Flint welcomes Stacy Szymaszek to Berl's Poetry Bookstore. 

Stacy Szymaszek is a poet, editor and arts administrator. She worked at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee, WI from 1999-2005 where she founded and edited GAM:A Survey of Great Lakes Writing. She is the author of the books Emptied of All Ships (2005) and Hyperglossia (2009), both published by Litmus Press, as well as numerous chapbooks, including Pasolini Poems (Cy Press, 2005), Orizaba: A Voyage with Hart Crane (Faux Press, 2008), Stacy S.: Autoportraits (OMG, 2008) and austerity measures (Fewer & Further Press, 2012). Her book, Hart Island, is forthcoming from Nightboat Books in Spring 2015. She received the 2014 Ottoline Prize from Fence Books for Journal of Ugly Sites and Other Journals, forthcoming in Fall of 2015. She is a regular teacher for Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program, visiting artist for LMCC's Workspace program, and mentor for Queer Arts Mentorship. She is the Director of The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church in the East Village.

**Leslie Flint is a monthly reading series at Berl's involving a single writer holding court for the entire evening. A combination reading/lecture/performance, the event has been named in honor of the twentieth-century British spiritualist Leslie Flint, who claimed to hear the voices of the dead. Jamie Townsend is the currant Leslie Flint, but is away in the New Mexican desert channeling spirits and drinking too much. Writer, performance artist, and conduit of cosmic energy Marissa Perel will serve as Leslie Flint for the evening of November 20th