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BOAAT Press chapbook competition reading featuring Eileen G'Sell, Jess Feldman, JoAnna Novak, Tina Cane and Brenda Iijima

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Tina Cane was born in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC in 1969 and grew up in the city’s East and West Village. She attended the University of Vermont, the Sorbonne and completed her master’s degree in French Literature at the Université de Paris X-Nanterre. She is the founder and director of Writers-in-the-Schools, RI. Over the past twenty years, she has taught French, English and Creative Writing in public and private schools throughout New York City and Rhode Island. Tina’s poems and translations have appeared in numerous journals including Hanging Loose, Spinning Jenny, The Literary Review, Barrow Street, Tupelo Quarterly, Cargo and Two Serious Ladies. Her work, The Fifth Thought, was published by Other Painters Press in 2008. Her work has recently been finalist for the First Book Award, The Dorset and the Berkshire prizes from Tupelo Press, as well as semifinalist for the Editor's Prize from Pleiades Press. Tina is also the recent recipient of the Poetry Fellowship Merit Award from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts. She lives outside of Providence, RI with her husband and their three children.

Brenda Iijima’s involvements occur at the conjunctions and mutations of poetry, research movement, animal studies, speculative non-fiction and forlorn histories. She is the author of six full-length collections of poetry and numerous chapbooks and artist’s books. Early Linoleum (Counterpath Press) and Untimely Death is Driven Out Beyond the Horizon (1913 Press) were both published in 2015. She is also the editor of the eco language reader (Nightboat Books and PP@YYL). She is the editor of Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, located in Brooklyn, NY ( The press published its 54th book this year.

Eileen G'Sell's poetry and nonfiction has appeared in DIAGRAM, Conduit, the Denver Quarterly, Beautiful Savage, and the Boston Review, among others. She teaches rhetoric, poetry, and film at Washington University in St. Louis, where she received her MFA in creative writing. Her first chapbook, Euphoria Takes One for the Team, is available through Dancing Girl Press.

Jess Feldman’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Vinyl, The Fourth River, Transom, Tuesday; An Art Project, and elsewhere. Her manuscript “Call It a Premonition” was chosen by Zachary Schomburg as winner of the 2015 BOAAT Winter Chapbook Competition. Jess is also a member of the band The Immaculate Corpses and lives in NYC. Follow her on Twitter at @jessfeldman.


JoAnna Novak writes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in The Atlantic, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Rumpus, and Quarterly West. The author of three chapbooks, her fourth will be published by H_NGM_N this fall.