This free reading assembles the following, among other, IN|FILTRATION poets: Marcella Durand, Sylvia Gorelick, Jim Handlin, Cole Heinowitz, Bethany Ides,Timothy Liu, Evelyn Reilly, Michael Ruby, Christopher Funkhouser, George Quasha, David Rothenberg, Sparrow, Tom Thompson, Edwin Torres and Sam Truitt (co-editor). This event likely will include multimedia performances.
C.D. Wright on IN|FILTRATION: "Many poets herein already known to me, but not in this particular circumstance: from striking miner shootings to illustrated erotica to key scratches to small things as defined by 'an' Lauterbach, to persons 'soft as a melting crayon.' Poet Frank Stanford is evoked by a poet in Poughkeepsie. Not confined to pedigrees or livelihoods or fugitive feelings or permanent addresses. Unconditionally arty and still political, grounded, refusing to vanish under the brandscape of either this time or their 'place.' Don’t count on locating yourself in the common senses of the word. Count on dislocating yourself in the pleasure senses.".