Christine Shan Shan Hou
"take me with you"
collage on paper
Please join us for a summery reading to celebrate ANGELS Jamie Townsend and Ivy Johnson visiting from Oakland!
Readings by Jamie Townsend, Ivy Johnson, Anaïs Duplan, and Emily Skillings. Collages by Christine Shan Shan Hou.
Anaïs Duplan is a gemini. She wrote a collection of poems called Take This Stallion (Brooklyn Arts Press). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Hyperallergic, PBS News Hour, Fence, PANK, Boston Review, The Journal, and other places. In addition to poetry, she writes music criticism for Decoder Magazine. She lives and works in Iowa City, where she is an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers Workshop.
Ivy Johnson is a poet and performance artist in Oakland, CA. Her book, As They Fall, is a pack of 110 notecards for aelatoric ritual, and was published by Timeless, Infinite Light in 2013. She is co-founder of The Third Thing, a feminist performance poetics collaboration with Kate Robinson. They have work forthcoming from Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs summer 2016. Yo can find her work at:
Christine Shan Shan Hou is a poet and artist living in Brooklyn, NY. Publications include the chapbook "I'm Sunlight," (Song Cave, 2016) C O N C R E T E S O U N D (2011) a collaborative artists’ book with artist Audra Wolowiec, and Accumulations (Publication Studio 2010). Additional poems and artwork appear in Poor Claudia, Fanzine, Elderly, La Vague Journal, and iO: A Journal of New American Poetry, amongst
Jamie Townsend is half-responsible for Elderly, a hub of ebullience and disgust. He is the author of several chapbooks, and his work has appeared in a variety of material and online journals, most recently in Open House. His first full-length book SHADE was released by Elis Press in 2015. Jamie also serves as the creative director for Apollo, a new media space dedicated to personal curation and discovery.
Emily Skillings is the author of two chapbooks: Backchannel (Poor Claudia) and Linnaeus: The 26 Sexual Practices of Plants (No, Dear/ Small Anchor Press). Her first full-length collection of poetry, Fort Not, will be published by The Song Cave in 2017. Recent poems can be found/are forthcoming in Brooklyn Rail, BOMB, Hyperallergic, LitHub, jubilat, Pleiades, Phantom Limb, and Washington Square. She lives in Brooklyn, where she is a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative, a feminist poetry collective and event series.