Robin Myers nació en Nueva York en 1987 y estudió Letras Inglesas en Swarthmore College. Al terminar la carrera, vivió y trabajó un tiempo en Palestina. Vive en la Ciudad de México desde 2011, donde trabaja como traductora independiente. Tanto sus poemas como sus traducciones de diversos poetas y narradores latinoamericanos se han publicado en revistas estadounidenses y mexicanas.
Robin Myers (New York, 1987) is a translator and poet. She has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania, USA), studied Latin American poetry and the translation thereof in Buenos Aires, and currently lives in Mexico City. She was named a Fellow of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) in 2009. Her translations, as well as her own poems in Spanish translation, have been published in several bilingual journals. She is working on her first book of poems.