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Claire Donato is the author of Burial (Tarpaulin Sky Press), a not-novel novel, and The Second Body (Poor Claudia), a collection of poems. She lives in Brooklyn and teaches in the Architecture and BFA Writing programs at Pratt Institute.


Valerie Hsiung is the author of three full-length poetry collections: efg (exchange following and gene flow): a trilogy (Action Books, forthcoming 2016), incantation inarticulate (O Balthazar Press, 2013), and under your face (O Balthazar Press, 2013). Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in places such as American Letters & Commentary, Cosmonauts Avenue, Denver Quarterly, New Delta Review, PEN Poetry Series, Prelude, RealPoetik, and VOLT, among elsewhere. Hsiung is currently based out of Brooklyn, New York, where she works as a love detective and matchmaker. She also serves as an editor for Poor Claudia.


Vi Khi Nao is the author of Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press) and was the winner of 2014 Nightboat Poetry Prize and the 2016 Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Contest.


Ian Hatcher is a text/sound/code artist, author of Prosthesis (Poor Claudia 2016), and developer of the poetry app Abra, a collaboration with Amaranth Borsuk and Kate Durbin. His code-inflected vocal performances have been presented widely in the United States and Europe. He lives in Brooklyn.