// A MAGIC HELICOPTER EVENING AT BERLS FOR A SPECIAL NYC PRE-RELEASE OF THE DEBUT COLLECTION ******************************** QUAERERE! ******************************** ///
Come on out to Berls for a special Saturday night of Magic Helicopter poetry with Jamondria Marnice Harris, in town from Portland, OR, and local NYC MHP poet Rex Renee Leonowitch!
What is the trust between hands? Where is the tenderness of sweat? In their full-length debut, Jamondria Harris moves to seek, to ask, to desire. “kill your teachers, name your lovers,” says quaerere. In poems and pictures that meditate through black queer afro-diaspora, quaerere searches for the outside of the ice in its mouth. These poems know that no one fits or stays, but they still want to know whose body they’re carrying.
JAMONDRIA HARRIS is a poet & multimedia artist based in Portland. They use words, sounds, wires, instruments, textiles & what falls into their hands to engage with blackness, desire, decolonization, religion, spirituality, fairy tales, queerness, femme supremacy, & body horror. They are a VONA Workshop Fellow, among other things.
REX RENÉE LEONOWICZ is a multimedia artist, performer, writer, and activist from Queens, New York. As a poor/working class, trans/nonbinary femme, Rex’s art and performance work is grounded in a politics of radical resistance, healing, and witness.
Rex is a gender-bending, genre-blending artist whose work critically responds to the relationships people on the margins have with our surroundings and each other.
S/he holds an M.F.A. in Poetry from Mills College and a B.A. in Gender & Women’s Studies & Creative Writing from Warren Wilson College.