The Community of Literary Magazines and Presses present POETS READ FICTION, featuring poets/novelists Ben Fama, Lucy Ives, Sophia Le Fraga, and Rachel Levitsky reading from their own and their own favorite fictions in Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop.
BEN FAMA is the author of Fantasy (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2015), and the chapbooks Odalisque (Bloof, 2014), Cool Memories (Spork, 2013), New Waves (Minutes Books, 2011), and Aquarius Rising (Ugly Duckling Presse 2010). Fama is the co-founder of Wonder.
LUCY IVES is the author of five books of poetry and prose, including a book of sentences, lists, and very short stories, The Hermit, which will appear this summer from the Song Cave. A full-length novel, IMPOSSIBLE VIEWS OF THE WORLD, is forthcoming from Penguin Press in 2017.
SOPHIA LE FRAGA is the author of literallydead (Spork 2015); I RL, YOU RL (minuteBOOKS 2013, Troll Thread 2014) and I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE INTERNET (KTBAFC 2012). Le Fraga is the poetry editor of Imperial Matters, a curator for the experimental reading series Segue and a member of Collective Task. She teaches poetry at BHQFU, New York's freest art school.
RACHEL LEVITSKY is the author of the 2013 novel in paragraphs The Story of My Accident is Our (Futurepoem). Her current focus is a long conversation (mainly with poets) about prose as an emergent, potentially revolutionary, form. She’s a founding member of Belladonna* Collaborative.